Introducing new energy labels
Game changing regulation is being introduced by the EU commission to encourage more efficient and sustainable appliances. Juno is swift to embrace the EU’s new rules and visual identity of energy efficiency labels. This will affect the product groups like washing machines, washer dryers, dishwashers and refrigerators including wine storage fridges.
The new labels will be visible for EU users online and instore from 1st March 2021.
The transition from old to new energy labels
From November 2020, all new Juno products will have two labels. One showing current classifications and one showing efficiency A to G, which will enter into force in 2021. You may, therefore, get home a product with two energy labels. The new energy label with the QR code will be applicable as of from 1st of March 2021 and can be ignored until that date.
The energy efficiency of the appliance you have just bought stays the same. It is only the rating i.e. the letter on the energy label that changes, not the product efficiency.
Old vs new energy labels
The new labelling is more complex, with new performance items, stricter eco-design requirements and new testing method.
1Current label scale, A+++ - D
Current label has 4 classes of A, from A – A+++, and this is where most of the products are offered today. This is confusing as it gives no scale from high, middle and low energy class.
2New label scale, A-G
The above image is an example of a possible new energy label equivalent (B class) for an appliance that was previously A+++ class. Although the energy efficiency in itself does not change, the scaling does, meaning that the new lower classes are still efficient by recent standards. This also leaves room at the top of the scale as even more efficient technologies emerge.
New performance icons
New Cooling Performance icons
A. New QR code. Scanable with smartphone for more information.
B. Energy efficiency class.
C. Annual energy consumtion, kilowatt-hour/year.
D. The sum of the volumes of the frozen compartment(s).
E. The sum of the volumes of the chill compartment(s) and the unfrozen compartment(s).
F. Airborne acoustical noise emissions.
New Dishwashers Performance icons
A. New QR code. Scanable with smartphone for more information.
B. Energy efficiency class.
C. Energy consumption per 100 Eco cycles.
D. Rated capacity, of place settings for Eco programme.
E. Duration of the Eco programme.
F. Water consumption per cycle.
G. Airborne acoustical noise emissions.